Facebook Scribe介绍【转】
Facebook Scribe介绍
1. 介绍
2. 安装
3. 例子
- #Create a directory to log messages:
- mkdir /tmp/scribetest
- #Start scribe using the configuration in example1.conf:
- src/scribed examples/example1.conf
- #From another terminal, use scribe_cat to send a message to scribe:
- echo ”hello world” | ./scribe_cat test
- #If the previous command failed, make sure you did a ’make install’ from the
- #root scribe directory and that $PYTHONPATH is set correctly(see README.BUILD)
- #Verify that the message got logged:
- cat /tmp/scribetest/test/test_current
- #Check the status of scribe (requires root):
- ./scribe_ctrl status
- #Check scribe’s counters (you should see 1 message ’received good’):
- ./scribe_ctrl counters
- #Shutdown scribe:
- ./scribe_ctrl stop
- # This example shows you how to log messages between multiple Scribe instances.
- # In this example, we will run each Scribe server on a different port to simulate
- # running Scribe on multiple machines.
- ‘client’ ’central’
- —————————- ——————–
- | Port 1464 | | Port 1463 |
- | —————- | | —————- |
- | -> | scribe server |–|—>| | scribe server | |
- | —————- | | —————- |
- | | | | | | |
- | temp file | | | temp file |
- |————————— |——————-
- |
- ——————-
- | /tmp/scribetest/ |
- ——————-
- #Create a directory for the second scribe instance:
- mkdir /tmp/scribetest2
- #Start up the ’central’ instance of Scribe on port 1463 to write messages to disk
- #(See example2central.conf):
- src/scribed examples/example2central.conf
- #Start up the ’client’ instance of Scribe on port 1464 to forward messages to
- #the ’central’ Scribe server (See example2client.conf):
- src/scribed examples/example2client.conf
- #Use scribe_cat to send some messages to the ’client’ Scribe instance:
- echo ”test message” | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test2
- echo ”this message will be ignored” | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 ignore_me
- echo ”123:this message will be bucketed” | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 bucket_me
- #The first message will be logged similar to example 1.
- #The second message will not get logged.
- #The third message will be bucketized into 1 of 5 buckets
- #(See example2central.conf)
- #Verify that the first message got logged:
- cat /tmp/scribetest/test2/test2_current
- #Verify that the third message got logged into a subdirectory:
- cat /tmp/scribetest/bucket*/bucket_me_current
- #Check the status and counters of both instances:
- ./scribe_ctrl status 1463
- ./scribe_ctrl status 1464
- ./scribe_ctrl counters 1463
- ./scribe_ctrl counters 1464
- #Shutdown both servers:
- ./scribe_ctrl stop 1463
- ./scribe_ctrl stop 1464
- ./scribe_ctrl stop
- # Test Scribe buffering
- #Startup the two Scribe instances used in Example 2.
- #Start the ’central’ server first:
- src/scribed examples/example2central.conf
- #Then start the ’client’:
- src/scribed examples/example2client.conf
- #Log a message to the ’client’ Scribe instance:
- echo ”test message 1″ | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test3
- #Verify that the message got logged:
- cat /tmp/scribetest/test3/test3_current
- #Stop the ’central’ Scribe instance:
- ./scribe_ctrl stop 1463
- #Attempting to check the status of this server will return failure since it not running:
- ./scribe_ctrl status 1463
- #Try to Log another message:
- echo ”test message 2″ | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test3
- #This message will be buffered by the ’client’ since it cannot be forwarded to
- #the ’central’ server. Scribe will keep retrying until it is able to send.
- #After a couple seconds, the status of the ’client’ will be set to a warning message:
- ./scribe_ctrl status 1464
- #Try to Log yet another message(which will also get buffered):
- echo ”test message 3″ | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test3
- #Restart the ’central’ instance:
- src/scribed examples/example2central.conf
- #Wait for both Scribe instance’s statuses to change to ALIVE:
- ./scribe_ctrl status 1463
- ./scribe_ctrl status 1464
- #Verify that all 3 messages have now been received by the ’central’ server:
- cat /tmp/scribetest/test3/test3_current
- #Shutdown:
- ./scribe_ctrl stop 1463
- ./scribe_ctrl stop 1464
- #include
- // scribe headers
- #include ”scribe.h” // this header is in the gen-cpp directory
- // thrift headers
- #include
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- using namespace boost;
- using namespace apache::thrift;
- using namespace apache::thrift::protocol;
- using namespace apache::thrift::transport;
- using namespace scribe::thrift;
- int main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- std::string category; // the log category
- std::string host; // the ip host
- int port; // the port
- if(argc == 2)
- {
- category.assign(argv[1]);
- host = ”localhost”;
- port = 1463;
- }else if (argc == 4 && strcmp(argv[1],”-h”) == 0)
- {
- category.assign(argv[3]);
- char* sep = strstr(argv[2],”:”);
- if(sep == NULL)
- {
- host.assign(argv[2]);
- port = 1463;
- }
- else
- {
- char tmp[20];
- strncpy(tmp,argv[2],sep - argv[2]);
- port = atoi(sep+1);
- host.assign(tmp);
- }
- }else
- {
- printf(“usage (message is stdin): scribe_cat [-h host[:port]] category”);
- exit(1);
- }
- shared_ptr
socket(new TSocket(host, port)); - shared_ptr
transport(new TFramedTransport(socket)); - shared_ptr
protocol(new TBinaryProtocol(transport)); - // use boost shared pointer
- shared_ptr
sbclient(new scribeClient(protocol)); - try
- {
- transport->open();
- // create a log entry and push it to vector
- LogEntry le;
- le.message = ”This is a test message”;
- le.category = category;
- std::vector
messages; - messages.push_back(le);
- // write to scribe server
- sbclient->Log(messages);
- // close the transport
- transport->close();
- }catch(TException &tx)
- {
- printf(“ERROR: %s/n”,tx.what());
- }
- }
- CC=g++
- LIBS=-lthrift -lfb303
- INCLUDE=-I/usr/local/include/thrift/fb303 -I/usr/local/include/thrift
- SOURCE=scribe_cat.cpp scribe.cpp scribe_types.cpp
- scribe_cat: $(SOURCE)
- $(CC) $(SOURCE) -o $@ $(INCLUDE) $(LIBS)
- clean:
- rm scribe_cat
4. 参考
- 下一篇: Lua在linux下的安装[Lua研究一]
- 上一篇: Gdb调试多进程程序
- 阅读IT大牛的博客
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